Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Where'd She Go Wednesday

I've been trying to come up with a day dedicated to writing about running...and have been having a heck of a time coming up with an alliteration that I liked.  Well, leave it to mile 3 of my 6 mile run for creativity to strike!  "Where'd She Go Wednesday" is dedicated to running, of course, because I'm so fast, you're left wondering...where'd she go?!?  Ha!  Or because, many times, if you're wondering where I am, you can safely bet that I'm headed out for a run, or thinking about going on a run, get the point.

For the first running blog post, I thought we'd discuss my current favorite running gear.  I know, twist your arm.

Without further ado, let's start with my current obsession (as in, I own 4 pairs).  These capris are amazing:

They compress as much as I want them to, aren't too hot, and the back pocket fits my iPhone perfectly.  I wear them winter/summer/spring/fall with different tops, depending on the temp outside.  Also, they go on sale at least twice a year and have been marked down as low as $29.99.  REI has a lifetime guarantee, so when the first pair I bought came apart at the seams...they gave me a new pair.  Awww jjjyeah.  The waist band holds my slight muffin-top in (thank you, multiple children!) and my stomach, when it gets all poochy half way through my really long runs.  (If you're looking for glamour, maybe skip today's post and wait for tomorrow.)

Ok - for all the reasons I love those capris, the reason I love this next item is for its simplicity.

When I run, I always have my phone with me.  I don't always listen to music, or use it to track my run, but I always like it handy - just in case.  When I do want to listen to music or track my run, I want to be able to leave the phone in whatever case it's in and not struggle to make the touch screen work.  Enter this beauty:

Yeah, I use Ziploc snack baggies for my iPhone cover.  My only complaint about them is that I haven't found them in the freezer version of Ziploc - that would make them a bit more reusable.  You can plug your head phones in and it zips around the cord, with minimal sweat getting into the bag.  I've been in downpours and felt pretty confident my phone would make it through - and then it did!  Also, I can put my phone in the ziploc and it still fits in the zippered compartment on my capris!  GENIUS!

And for my final pick, I'm going to go with the Amphipod Hydraform Handheld Water bottle.  I know, its way too long of a name, but man, do I love this thing!  I've tried others - smaller bottles, different shapes, less pocket, more pocket.  And this water bottle just gets it done no matter what. 

The handy little pouch on it is the perfect size for one or two gels and your car/house key, as well.  My one complaint with it is that, if it's really hot out and you go on a long run, your hand will warm up the water.  But apparently that happened to other people, too, because they came out with a neoprened version.
So, there you have it!  The first Where'd She Go Wednesday.


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