Monday, June 18, 2012

Mom-mentum Monday

Mom-mentum Monday is a chance to post something mom-related on a blog that is mom-themed.  How's that for planning?!?
Not sure if you've ever Googled "obstinate four-year-old," but if you haven't, give it a whirl!  All sorts of fun things come up - women venting about their wild four year old step sons, people freaking out about the epic battles they're waging with their own four year old Tasmanian devil, and a general slew of four year old drama.  Which is to say, our house is nothing special!
But, man, can I be honest???  These nightly battles to get Big J to sleep are pretty much my most un-favorite thing so far in this parenting adventure.  He is a willful child, if I do say so myself.  And, since I know where he gets that from, I guess I just have to accept it and roll with it.  Right?
Well, I'm here to tell you that a willful parent + a willful child = epic freaking battles.
We have tried every trick in the book: nightlight(s), closet light on, CD playing soft music, a Twilight Turtle, the hall light on, blankies, special stuffed animals, certain blankets, sitting with him, laying with him, sleep rules (1. Stay in bed, 2. Close our eyes, 3. Stay very quiet, 4. Go to sleep), reward charts, aroma therapy, praying, begging, crying....oh, wait, those last three are a joke.  Sort of.
I even went so far as to take him to his pediatrician, just to make sure he didn't have some behavioral issue that was going undiagnosed.  (What?  You've never gone there in your head?)  His doctor explained that all it came down to is:  "he's playing you."  That is a direct quote.
So, the battle continues.  And I'll tell you - the best thing that works?  Standing your ground.  Don't lose your patience, don't raise your voice, repeat the same phrase over and over and over and over and over again.  "I know you don't feel good.  It's time to follow your sleep rules. Stay in bed, stay quiet.  I love you.  Good night."
And, after two hours?
One of you will eventually fall asleep out of sheer exhaustion.

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