Monday, June 25, 2012

Are you sure?

So I just had a realization: no matter what decision you make in life, someone, somewhere, sometime will ask, "are you sure?"
This might not be such an amazing revelation for some people, but it's right up there for me. I guess I thought that eventually, as I got older, decision-making would get easier. That there would clearly be a right decision and the polar-opposite wrong decision.
Man, was I wrong! The only thing that's become clearer to me in my wise old age of that there are one thousand variations on the "right" decision.
I've made some big decisions in the past few years - mainly having to do with staying home with the kids or going back to work. And of course, everyone has an opinion on this topic. But it's funny because, depending on the decision, the same people have sometimes given me exactly opposite advice. As in, deciding to go back to work - someone looks at you at the bakery, with your two little ones, on a sunny Monday afternoon and says, "are you sure you want to give this up?"
Fast forward a year and a half. Same person, watching your children scream like banshees and run around you in circles: "are you sure you can handle this every single day without daycare?"
I have to say - in so many ways - the further I get into this life thing, the less sure I am. But what I've also discovered is that decisions made are not permanent, 100%, always-gonna-be-the-way-it-is-today (or even right this minute).
The world is so less black and white than I once thought. Time marches on and I'm trying to embrace the feeling of being unsure.
Cheers -

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