Thursday, July 11, 2013


...and the livin's easy."

My dad recently discovered that song, which is amusing because it's been around for a few (!) years now.  When he comes to visit he finds it on YouTube and blares it on my computer speakers.  He is awesome.

The livin' has been easy these past few weeks.  We've been busy enjoying the freedom of running around our back yard, in the door, out the door, down the block to the neighbors, meeting new friends in the neighborhood and exploring new places.  I love summertime.

We've taken two camping trips with our tent trailer, too.  Getting the old girl dialed in - my husband's parents bought in in 1997 and have taken crazy good care of it.  We have a perfect parking spot for it, so we get access to it any time we feel up to it, really.  The boys LOVE the tent trailer, though camping with two kiddos ages 4-almost-5 and just-turned-3 also has its hazards.  Baby H tends to prefer his camping au naturel and at top volume.  ALL.THE.TIME.  Poor neighbors.  Big E thinks camping is just an excuse to ride his Strider bike like a crazy man all over our (and neighboring) camp sites.   Again, poor neighbors.  Are you sensing a pattern???

If you're in need of summertime inspiration, click this link:  You're Welcome.

Cheers -

Mama H

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