This will probably come off kind of cheesy, but it's something that Big E has been saying to me recently when I put him to bed. And it made me think. Kids: it's what they do.
The last couple nights, he has looked at me and said, "mom, will you lay down with me for one more minute, so I can make you laugh?"
Kind of a random thing to say. I mean, I think we laugh a lot, all day long, or so I thought. However, the last two nights, both Big E and Big H have said something to me, as I'm laying there next to them, snuggled in, working to calm them down and usher them into that night's rest, that has made me laugh out loud, a deep belly laugh, the kind that you can't stop. And, hello nurse, those kids are excellent laughers.
So, the thought that came to me, as I lay there next to Big E tonight, watching him giggle because I was giggling, which then made him giggle more, and on and on it went, was this: I don't think I really laugh hard in front of my kids very often. I think I'm busy during the day, trying to make sure we keep on task, don't paint the walls, please don't close your brother in the closet, never, ever kick the dog (even if she just ate your favorite cookie), don't pee on the dishwasher, get to school on time, have a healthy lunch, don't smear pizza into the couch, don't squeeze the kitten, have fun at gymnastics, use gentle hands, etc, phew, that I don't always listen to what they're saying. And man, these little boys can be serious comedians.
So, I'm leaving you all with this excellent quote from Big H today. I asked to see his superhero mask and he turned to me and said, "mom, this is not a superhero mask. This is a Henry mask." And then he giggled and ran off. And I laughed.
Cheers -
Mama H
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