Thursday, December 27, 2012

Back in the Saddle

Hey readers -
It's been a while!  My last post was right before I made the GIANT LIFE-CHANGING DECISION to stay home with the kiddos.  And since then, I've been trying to figure out how to keep me, the hubs, the kids, the house, the friends, the running, and the fun going.  No, I haven't figured it all out.  But I have decided that it's a good thing to have a creative outlet...and an opportunity to speak grown-up...even if it is into the void of the interweb!
My plan is to update ya'll three times a week...
Mom-mentum Mondays - dedicated to my "mom" thoughts...
Where'd She Go Wednesdays - dedicated to my runnerd thoughts...
Thrifty Thursdays - dedicated to my thrifty-shopping ways...
So, come along, take a ride with me, and check out what I think about.

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