Monday, December 31, 2012

Big Boy Bed - Skiing - Mom-mentum Monday

Hello fair readers -
I know, it's been a bit since I last wrote - can you believe I'm about to wish you all a happy New Year?!?!?!?  Happy New Year!!!  Wrapping my brain (and arms) around being a Stay At Home Mom...and the holidays...will do that to a blogger!  I thought I'd just jump right in with where I left off and give you a Mom-mentum Monday post.  If you recall, Mom-mentum is just a day where I discuss anything pertaining to being a mom.  While being a mom can be all-encompassing (and really should be), it's nice to take a break from it, so I'll also be posting on Wednesdays and Thursdays on other topics (running and shopping - woot-woo!).

A couple big things happened at our house today.  First, our four year old, Big E, spent much of the afternoon learning how to downhill ski in our back yard.  The boy is in LOVE with the downhill skis and boots he received for Christmas from his Grandma and Papa and insisted Daddy M come home at lunch for a ski break.  Daddy M had the great idea of taking a good old fashioned broom and pulling Big E, on his skis, around the back yard.  This was cool to watch!  Big E would basically take the broom and put it through his legs and use it almost like a little rope-tow.  Daddy M would walk/run around the yard, with Big E trailing behind him.  Seemed to help Big E master the idea of balance and turning, you know, the important stuff when skiing.

That exercise went on for a few minutes and then Daddy M decided to see if he could teach Big E the correct skiing position - knees bent, seat back, kind of crouched down.  Once Big E mastered that, Daddy M offered to push him...similar to on the swing...but across the yard!!?  This was so awesome to watch!  Love the love this little boy (and his dad!) have for skiing!  Can't wait to take him up on the mountain!

The second big thing to happen today is that Little H graduated from his crib.  He's 2 1/2 years old now and has historically been a pretty solid sleeper.  Unfortunately, Big E decided today was the day to teach Little H how to climb out of said crib.  Ummm, I was one terrified Mama.  After Little H mastered that skill (in 5 seconds flat), it became necessary to get out the twin mattress we'd been storing for just such a day and set it up in his room.  As I type this, Daddy M is upstairs still trying to get Little H to calm down and actually GO TO SLEEP.  Instead, Little H is happily laying on his new mattress, looking at his blankies, toys, pillows, walls, the floor, and talking to himself.  He's just a little excited to be a big boy, like his brother.

I was absolutely freaked tonight, when it occurred to me that tonight Little H would be able to a) wander his room unattended and b) wander the house unattended, after everyone else fell asleep.  When Big E switched to his big boy bed, he also insisted that his bedroom door be left open.  Little H is just as adamant every night that we "leave his door open a little bit."  As I looked around Little H's room, all I saw were electrical outlets and heavy, terrible things in his closet he could pull down on himself.  After a few minutes of shell-shock, I remembered a purchase I made earlier this month.

Behold, genius invention:

These are the Safety 1st Adjustable Multi-purpose straps (found here).  I originally bought them because Big E & Little H have been opening the extra fridge downstairs and turning the cold ALL THE WAY UP.  This wouldn't be a problem, except this is where we store our back up milk (we shop at Costco, ok?) and when you go to grab milk and it's frozen flippin' solid, it's a bad feeling.  Back to tonight...there I was, in a mild panic, wondering how I could keep my baby and my sleep somewhat safe with the big-boy bed development.  And then I had my light-bulb moment!

I hustled out to the garage, grabbed two Adjustable Multi-purpose straps and high-tailed it back to Baby H's room.  I checked to see if the strap was long enough for the closet was!  I checked to see if the second strap was long enough for his bedroom was!  I grabbed some rubbing alcohol, cleaned all necessary surfaces, and attached those babies.  His closet light is on, the door is open the necessary width, but he can't get any further into it!  Score.  His bedroom door is open the necessary crack, to let light in and let him know he's safe, but he can't get out!  Double Score.

So, those are tonight's developments.  I'll update you on the whole sleeping thing...and the skiing thing...

Until next time - take care all you fabulous parental units out there and thanks for reading.

Cheers -

Mama H

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