Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Kids sharing a room

The boys have started sharing a room.

If you're not a parent, or a parent of one, this probably doesn't strike quite the level of apprehension in your heart as those who are parents to two or more...let me just say we've tried this TWICE before.  Once when they were pretty little (2 1/2 and 6 months?) and once about 6 months ago.  Neither time worked out because one or both of them would keep the other awake during nap time, at bed time or wake the other up SUPER EARLY.  None of those scenarios worked for us at those times.

This time around they seem to be doing pretty well.  Some of the keys to the success?  I think they were ready for it - they both have started in on the constant request for someone to be in their room with them at night.  We figured if they shared a room they'd have a built-in roommate ALL NIGHT LONG (said like the chorus on the new Eminem song!).

The other important thing that has helped with this success is moving them into a bedroom that wasn't just one of their's prior to the new roommate situation.  Previously we'd attempted to move Big H into Big E's room and then Big E into Big H's room.  Both times the room still felt like the original occupant's room, with some of the new guy's stuff added.  If you have the luxury of using a room that isn't currently occupied by one of the children (think: guest room, office, etc), I highly recommend it.  You can have the kids help move their stuff, they choose where it goes, and from day one, it's joint property.

On the flip-side, we've made sure to give them each their own corner.  While their beds are stacked, their dressers, bulletin boards and certain toys are on separate sides of the room.  I think it's important to keep a little separation and have each boy with his own space.

So far, so good - three nights in (during Day Light Savings time, no less!) and we're considering it a success...only time will tell!


Mama H

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