Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Boy's Valentines cards

Well, Internet- world, I've been MIA here for a while...sorry about that!
Back today with a big THANK YOU to the blog, One Charming Party.  I am in love with Valentine's cheesy as that may sound.  I love it.  It's a day dedicated to telling the ones you love how you feel, eating delicious sweets, and, if you're of age, drinking champagne.  Or at least, in my book it is.
I'm all about Pinterest (me and everybody else out there, too!) and decided to search for some boy-friendly free printable Valentine's cards.  Voila!  One Charming Party came to the rescue.
I did use Picasa to add "To" on the printables...preschool is big on the kiddos learning their names and we wanted to personalize each card.
Happy Valentine's Day Eve!
Cheers -
Mama H

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