Friday, January 3, 2014

New year, new updates!

Mama H, holding onto 2014 for dear life!

So, wow.  2014 is here, in full effect.  And it's been almost exactly two months since I wrote on here last.  Sorry about that...
Big news in our house:

1)  I'm pregnant!  Due in May!
2)  I'm back at work!  Started the week before Christmas at, what can only be described as, my current dream job!

I know, I know.  Only crazy people go back to work, after being a SAHM mom for almost two years, when they're five months pregnant. As they say in "Friday:" "And you know thisssss, man."
I am crazy - but the job opening was posted on Facebook.  And it combined my love of running, my drive for organization AND flexible hours/work schedule.  What was I supposed to do???  I live in a small(er) community - things like this don't come up very often.  I figured I'd apply, interview (hopefully), tell them I was pregnant, explain that I knew the timing wasn't great, but that I was really, really (really) excited about this opportunity and see what happened.  And low and behold, I got it.  Can you believe it?!?!!?
So here I am.  Almost 6 months pregnant, back at work, with two small children, a lovely husband (who works full time), two small, old dogs and a wild, out of control kitten.  Yeehaw!

Cheers -
Mama H